
Our Story

Established in the year 2011 as community based organization, legally registered by RRC Republic of South Sudan in the year 2014 as a national NGO.

CLIP Poverty has emphasis to peace building, to conservation of environment through community-based approaches in getting neighborhoods together to make peace, to conserve their environment and to train the youth and women on cost-effective farming and fish production as a means to sustain their livelihoods.


Clip poverty was first funded by Saferworld immediately after the outbreak of 2013 conflict violent in the country (South Sudan), to carry out conflict and peacebuilding survey covering 3 state of Central Equatoria, Jonglei and Lakes.

Clip Poverty second funding was in twofold (1) one main grant combined with 6 month small grants to implement a three year project on Community safety and peace building in Bentiu, in the later project Clip Poverty worked with 120 Community Action Group CAGs, this include a women cluster comprises of 40 women. To achieve the objectives of the project, Clip Poverty collaborated with potential working partners in Bentiu to enhance effective service delivery to the community, we believe in team work and collective responsibility for resource mobilization, resiliency and sustainable management of available resources for effective project deliverables towards community benefits. Other than peace building, Clippoverty has a demonstration site for aquaculture practices, vegetable crop production and trees seedlings production in Bentiu, these practices is aimed at increasing food supply and reduction of poverty among youths and women in Unity state, with the help of specialist in our agriculture sector, capacity building and enhanced expertise in the field of agriculture and aquaculture has since been highly improved among the youths and the women.

Clip Poverty is a member of FSL South Sudan, a member of South Sudan Civil Society Forum SSCSF. A member Civil Society Coalition on Natural Resource Management CSCNRM

Clippoverty is headed by a Director, based in Juba-Kator office where all logistics and operations procures are carried out, the field offices included Bentiu, Leer, Payinjiar Counties. Currently our organisation has total of 12 personnel, 3 in Juba, 2 in Ganyliel, 2 in Nyal, 5 in Leer & Mayendit and 2 in Bentiu. We implemented a six-month project titled enhancing youth livelihoods in Payinjiar, the project was funded by DT Global from June 2021 to December 2021. This was followed by another project currently ongoing in Leer and Mayendit, this is running from January 2022 to July 31st 2022 under the same titled enhancing youth livelihoods in Leer and Mayendit, this is carrying lessons learned from Payinjiar project to informed this latest one for Leer and Mayendit.

CLIP-Poverty relies on the strength of the knowledge of the local context and the way people know each other and how they can use their relations to develop local capacities for peace building, food production and protection of the physical environment. The way the current generation plays the role of the custodian of the environment for the satisfaction of the current and future generations.

The aims and objectives established for this organization is to meet needs and aspirations of communities, in both urban and rural areas, with special emphasis on conflict resolution, agro-forestry livelihoods, NRM, Youth and women empowerment programs, we do these through advocacy and training

Our Mission

CLIP-Poverty exists to mobilize and organize neighborhoods for peace and environmental conservation, sustainable livelihoods, and recreation.


Society where mother earth is at ease with the inhabitants in peace and harmony.

Goals and Objectives

CLIP-Poverty overall goal is to mobilize neighborhoods for peace, conserve and rehabilitate the environment and create employment for women & youth.


Specific Objectives

To mobilize the youth and other community members into Peace-building, nation building, community security and cohesive society.

To build the capacity of the youth and women to diversify their livelihoods opportunities in agriculture, fishing and sport activities.

To conduct research, lobbying and advocacy on democratic principles to ensure sustainable peace and stability

Expertise service delivery in organization development, training and facilitation, research work

Where we work?

Activities of CLIP-Poverty covers but not limited to all states of the republic of south Sudan and we are very flexible to operate in any area to the interest of the community as well as the availability of the resources to the effect

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